by Brett Biggs | Apr 12, 2020 | Food, News
It’s Easter Sunday and things are a little more relaxed around here for a change. (Ya’ll are keeping us busy! Thank you!) With the warm weather and a little extra time I decided to fire up the smoker and smoke my own pork loin over buying a ham this year....
by Brett Biggs | Apr 1, 2020 | News
“So I want the ‘The Cherry Thing’, Cherry Bling, Cherry Whisky, Cherry Bourbon.” Whatever it is you call it, ’cause we’ve heard all the names, is it Cherry Bounce that you are talking about. It’s one of our most popular...
by Brett Biggs | Mar 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
This is a call out to all local breweries and homebrewers. If you can donate beer we’ll distill it into ethanol for hand sanitizer! We simply can’t mash/ferment fast enough. We’ll keep our stills running 24 hours day to get what we need, but we need...
by Brett Biggs | Nov 22, 2019 | News
We’ve been fans of wassail (pronounced, wa sale) for a few years now since we made it for Christmas the first year our restaurant opened. Initially we made it because it is a very old traditional drink and we love history. It’s grown to become part of our... by Brett Biggs | Apr 10, 2019 | News
For four years we here at Christmas City Spirits, LLC have worked incredibly hard to bring an entertaining experience to the Inn in the form of a restaurant, Tavern at the Sun Inn and the soon to be distillery Christmas City Spirits. This has been a combination of...